Widen My Path
Where should the Council make more space for walking and cycling, for physical distancing?
This new website allows you to add your idea, or upvote an existing idea. Please use it!See https://www.widenmypath.com.Widen My Path enables anyone anywhere in the UK to suggest where more space is needed for physical (social) distancing. Councils and local groups, such as Bike Worcester, can then use the resulting map to see where changes should be prioritised.You can suggest a location, or upvote an existing idea. The most popular ideas will be shown most prominently.There's a homepage for every area of the UK that you can link to, e.g. www.widenmypath.com/worcester - an easy link to remember and circulate.
What kinds of changes are needed to support physical distancing?
- Space for cycling: By reallocating roadspace, a cycle track that is physically separate from both cars and pedestrians will enable people to cycle safely.
- Wider pavements: Staying 2m apart on a narrow pavement will not encourage people to visit shops and get out for exercise, so councils are considering extending pavements into the roadway.
- Closures to through-traffic: Rat-running traffic can discourage people from walking and cycling, but adding a point closure can immediately transform an area.