Demanding space for the next generation

Kidical Mass, a global movement sparking joy and change, invites children to pedal their way to a brighter future. Originating in Oregon in 2008, this family-friendly initiative empowers young cyclists, fostering confidence, community, and a passion for sustainable transportation.

Imagine a vibrant procession of children on bikes of all shapes and sizes, their laughter echoing through the streets. That's Kidical Mass, a celebration of cycling where balance bikes and tandems are just as welcome as BMXs and mountain bikes.

This isn't just a bike ride; it's a movement. Kidical Mass advocates for safer streets, where children can cycle without fear, and for a future where active travel is the norm, not the exception.

Upcoming events

Worcester's Kidical Mass rides, run and supported by Bike Worcester, are a call to action, a demand for change. By participating, children become advocates for a more sustainable and child-friendly city, where cycling is a safe and accessible option for everyone.