Pass Pixi

Anyone who cycles regularly on UK roads will have been a witness to substandard driving. When we say substandard, we mean anti social, dangerous and illegal. The most reported negative interaction with drivers we receive is about close passes, where the person driving doesn’t leave the required 1.50m of space.

Pass Pixis are small reflective signs that attach to cycling jackets, saddle bags, panniers or mudguards, displaying the symbol recognised as a speed camera.

They are demonstrated to be effective in improving the standard of driving around people cycling, reminding drivers that they may be being recorded when overtaking the person on the bike. Bike Worcester undertook some research, showing they reduce the number of close passes by 50%.

Bike Worcester received a grant from the West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner to purchase a bunch of Pass Pixis to give out to the cycling community, with the aim of reducing road danger.

If you would like a Pass Pixi to try when cycling on the roads, please fill in the form below and we’ll get one delivered asap.