Health Benefits of Cycling Regularly
Imagine there was a magic potion that could nearly halve your chances of getting cancer or heart disease.Well, that’s what a major research project has shown you can do by cycling regularly. A long term study of 263,450 UK cycle commuters found they cut their risk of death from any cause by 41%, and the incidence of cancer and heart disease by 45% and 46% respectively.The cyclists weren’t even cycling big distances. On average they rode 30 miles a week. That’s 3 miles a day each way, five days a week. Cycling at a leisurely 10mph 3 miles takes only 20 minutes. In Worcester’s increasing congestion it’s usually quicker than using your car or taking the bus.Other research suggests cycling regularly means you’ll live two years longer and improve your fitness level to that of someone 10 years younger. You’ll therefore have a longer, healthier old age.It helps maintain healthy body weight and thereby reduces the risk of Type-2 diabetes. Cycling also releases endorphins that reduce stress, ward off anxiety and depression, boost self-esteem and improve restorative sleep patterns.And it doesn’t stop there. Unlike many sporting activities, it's kinder on the body and provides an easy way to fit regular exercise into busy lifestyles.It is even been proven that cyclists are less affected by air pollution. That’s mainly because you’ll be cycling away from the most congested routes, but also because, as a cyclist rather than a driver, you’re not directly behind the exhaust of the car in front or in an enclosed space where the air pollution concentrates.So why not give it a try. Check out a cycle-friendly route to work, get your bike out, pump up your tyres and start pedalling your way to a healthier, fitter and happier future.